Monday, 23 September 2013

Step by Step Installation & Configuration of LDAP+SAMBA on CentOS 5

I am defining here installation and configuration of LDAP server and integrate with SAMBA services. If you will work windows at client side, Samba integration is necessary with LDAP otherwise NT Password will not be accepted by LDAP server. Here we will go step by step to configure LDAP and samba server.

I am using Cent OS 5.5 64 bit Operating system with kernel 2.6.18-194.el5.

I will use LDAP domain for installation procedure.

1.       My system IP address is and hostname is If you are not using name server, add hostname entry into /etc/hosts file.

# vim /etc/hosts ldapnoida

2.  I will install all packages from yum repository so please configure yum before installation the packages on server. I am not covering yum in this document. Here I will install openldap on server.

# yum install *openldap*

This command will install following LDAP packages on your system.
Available Packages

3.  Create LDAP password using slappasswd command. It gave here password root123 and generate cypted password as per below screenshot.I will paste this encrypted password in /etc/openldap/slapd.conf file.

4 .       Open file /etc/openldap/slapd.conf and update the following fields on ldap server.
database        bdb
suffix          "dc=example,dc=com"
rootdn          "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com"
rootpw      {SSHA}+VQndTOziGTtICTQXuY8ExicsLjVlVxd
 5. Open file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf and update the following fields on ldap server.
 BASE dc=example,dc=com
URI  ldap://
6. Open file /etc/ldap.conf and add the following lines into this.
base dc=example,dc=com
URI ldap://
And comment the line
7.   Restart the LDAP service on server.
# /etc/init.d/ldap restart
8.     Copy the DB_CONFIG.example file for slapd DBS/HDB database into LDAP configuration file.
cp /etc/openldap/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG
9.     Restart the Ldap service and make ldap service on system boot.
# service ldap restart
# chkconfig ldap on
 10.    Update file for LDAP directory structure creation.
[root@ldapnoida ~]# cd /usr/share/openldap/migration/
[root@ldapnoida migration]# vim
$DEFAULT_BASE ="dc=example,dc=com";
11.      LDAP imports the directory structure into LDIF format so we are creating base structure LDIF file to import into LDAP directory.
[root@ldapnoida migration]#./ > base.ldif
[root@ldapnoida migration]#ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f  base.ldif
It will ask LDAP password. Type ldap password as defined above “root123” and it will generate basic LDAP directory structure.
12.     Create a system user so that we can export system user into LDAP server.
root@ldapnoida  migration]# useradd jitendrakumar
root@ldapnoida migration ]#  passwd jitendrakumar
13.Migrate system account having uid above 500 into LDPP server.
[root@ldapnoida migration]# grep "x:[5-9][0-9][0-9]" /etc/passwd >passwd
[root@ldapnoida migration]# grep "x:[5-9][0-9][0-9]" /etc/group > group
[root@ldapnoida migration]#./ passwd > passwd.ldif
[root@ldapnoida migration]#./ group > group.ldif
[root@ldapnoida migration]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f passwd.ldif
[root@ldapnoida migration]# ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f group.ldif
14.  Installing SAMBA packages on server.
[root@ldapnoida migration]# yum install *samba*
15.   Copy the Samba schema into LDAP schema repository.
cp /usr/share/doc/samba-3.0.33/LDAP/samba.schema /etc/openldap/schema/
16.  Edit the file /etc/openldap/slapd.conf and include samba.schema location into ldap configuration file.
[root@ldapnoida migration]# vim /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
include         /etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema
17.     Restart the LDAP Service on server.
[root@ldapnoida migration]# service ldap restart
Stopping slapd:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting slapd:                                            [  OK  ]
[root@ldapnoida migration]#
18.     Download EPEL RPM package and install it on server.
[root@ldapnoida migration]# wget
--2013-09-20 14:58:00--
Resolving,,, ...
Connecting to||:80...connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 12232 (12K) [application/x-rpm]
Saving to: `epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm'
100%[==============================================================================================================>] 12,232      --.-K/s   in 0.02s
2013-09-20 14:58:01 (739 KB/s) - `epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm' saved [12232/12232]
[root@ldapnoida migration]  rpm –Uvh epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
19.     Install smbldap-tools and phpldapadmin on server.
[root@ldapnoida migration]# yum –y install smbldap-tools
[root@ldapnoida migration]# yum –enablerepo=epel –y install phpldapadmin
20.     Configure Phpldapadmin on server to manage LDAP DIT through graphically.
[root@ldapnoida ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpldapadmin.conf
Alias /phpldapadmin /usr/share/phpldapadmin/htdocs
Alias /ldapadmin/usr/share/phpldapadmin/htdocs
<Directory /usr/share/phpldapadmin/htdocs>
Order Deny,Allow 
Deny from all 
Allow from # IP address you allow
[root@ldapnoida ~]#/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart
To access phpldapadmin use URL “http://(yourhostname or IP address)/ldapadmin “
21. To access phpldapadmin console user following credentials.
User Name: cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
Password: root123
Password is LDAP rootdn password as defined above in document.
22.     Take the backup of smb.conf and create a new
smb.conf file from ldap enabled configuration file on ldap server.
mv /etc/samba/smb.conf  /etc/samba/smb.conf.backup
cp /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools-0.9.6/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf
23.    Change the /etc/samba/smb.conf configuration file for LDAP.
[root@ldapnoida migration]# vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
       workgroup = example
  netbios name = ldap
      unix password sync = yes
      ldap passwd sync = yes
       passwd program = /usr/sbin/smbldap-passwd -u "%u"
       passwd chat = "Changing *\nNew password*" %n\n "*Retype new password*" %n\n"
        Dos charset = CP932
      Unix charset = UTF-8
 passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
        ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
       ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=com
       ldap group suffix = ou=Group
       ldap user suffix = ou=People
       admin users = admin
24.    Create following directory and set their permissions.
[root@ldapnoida  ~]#mkdir /home/netlogon
[root@ldapnoida  ~]# mkdir /home/profiles
[root@ldapnoida  ~]# chmod 777 /home/profiles.
25.      Restarted samba service and make it permanent.
[root@ldapnoida  ~]# service smb restart
[root@ldapnoida  ~]# chkconfig smb on
26.    Set the SAMBA Password.
[root@ldapnoida  ~]# smbpasswd –W
27.      Change to following directory and set the permission of script.
[root@ldapnoida migration]# cd /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools-0.9.6/
[root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]# chmod 755
[root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]#./
You can check SID with “net getlocalsid” command. If it is same press enter.
Enter domain name to append to mail address [ ] >

28.     Open file /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools-0.9.6/smbldap.conf and change the required parameters into this file.
[root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]# pwd
[root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]# net getlocalsid
[2013/09/20 15:50:03, 0] param/loadparm.c:map_parameter(2794)
Unknown parameter encountered: "min passwd length"
[2013/09/20 15:50:03, 0] param/loadparm.c:lp_do_parameter(3541)
Ignoring unknown parameter "min passwd length"
SID for domain LDAP is: S-1-5-21-3088606343-1201082996-3680957859
[root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]# vi smbldap.conf
29.     Open file /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools-0.9.6/smbldap.conf and change the required parameters into this file.
[root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]# vim smbldap_bind.conf
# $Id: smbldap_bind.conf 35 2011-02-23 09:07:36Z fumiyas $
# Credential Configuration #
# Notes: you can specify two differents configuration if you use a
# master ldap for writing access and a slave ldap server for reading access
# By default, we will use the same DN (so it will work for standard Samba
# release)
30.     Restart the samba service and populate the LDAP DIT  on server.
[root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]# service smb restart
[root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]#  smbldap-populate
31.     Now I will create admin account and group for domain administrative account.
root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]#  smbldap-groupadd –a admin
root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]#  smbldap-useradd –am –g admin admin
32.      We can reset password of admin user with following command.

root@ldapnoida smbldap-tools-0.9.6]#  smbldap-passwd admin