Tuesday, 26 November 2013

How to add bunch of Subscriber And Moderator to mailing list in qmail vpopmail(EZMLM)

I have an old qmail vpopmail system at my office and here is how to installed it you can refer to http://sylvestre.ledru.info/howto/howto_qmail_vpopmail.php. Okay the problem is that I want to create many subscriber to the qmailadmin. You can manually create a subscriber by go to your qmailadmin -> Mailing Lists -> Show Subscribers. How about if we want to add many subscriber let’s say 500 or 1000 email address? Here is the step. I want to start the step how to create mailing list on qmailadmin.
1. Go to your qmail admin, it usually http://localhost/cgi-bin/qmailadmin/ and click New Mailing List

2. Enter the Mailing List Name , List owner email address and set the other option on the below. And after you finish click Add button

3. Your Mailing list suppose to be added successfully, and if you want to add an subscriber you must add them by clicking Add Subscriber button and add them one by one.

4. Waste of time and energy if you added them one by one right? How about if we have to add 100/ 200 email ? :(. Here is how to add many subscriber on the qmail vpopmail (ezmlm).
Go to your mailing list name
# cd /home/vpopmail/domains/example.net/sample-list/
in my case i am going to /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test
# cd /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test
I have create the mailing list on list.txt and i create then under /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test
# vi list.txt
Now we need to run ezmlm-sub command just run
# /path/to/ezmlm-sub `pwd` < /path/to/file/full/of/addresses
in my case
# /usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-sub `pwd`< /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test/list.txt
then, confirm the subscription:
# /path/to/ezmlm-list `pwd`
in my case

# /usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-list `pwd`
by the way, the default ezmlm path is /usr/local/bin/ezmlm
5. You should see the email on the subscriber
now how to add a bunch of moderator to the ezmlm mailing list?
Same as adding subscriber we need to go to your mailing list name
# cd /home/vpopmail/domains/example.net/sample-list/
in my case i am going to /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test
# cd /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test
And you ned to go to your moderator subdirectory
# cd /home/vpopmail/domains/example.net/sample-list/mod
in my case i am going to /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test/mod
# cd /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test/mod
I have create the moderator email on modlist.txt and i create then under /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test/mod
# vi modlist.txt
Please remember that the modlist.txt files has root permission you need to change it into vpopmail :vchkpw, if did not changes the ownership you cannot delete the moderator email address from your qmailadmin
# chown vpopmail.vchkpw modlist.txt
Now we need to run ezmlm-sub command on /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test/mod  just run
# /path/to/ezmlm-sub `pwd` < /path/to/file/full/of/addresses
in my case
# /usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-sub `pwd`< /home/vpopmail/domains/test.org/test/mod/modlist.txt
then, confirm the subscription:
# /path/to/ezmlm-list `pwd`
in my case

# /usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-list `pwd`
now you can see it on your qmailadmin -> Mailing Lists  -> Your mailing list name -> Show Moderators
Jan 09

What log files are available?
A qmail system is made up of several different programs, all running at the same time and doing their own little part of the overall "mail server" job. Each of these programs generally has its own log file, although if you are using syslog, the logs may be combined together. By understanding what each program does, you can easily tell which log file to look at when you need to check something.
The qmail-send program (which normally runs as a daemontools service called "qmail-send", or maybe just "qmail") manages the queue, and starts all delivery processes. The delivery programs run as children of qmail-queue, and therefore their output is contained with the qmail-queue output. If you have a problem with messages being "stuck" in the queue, this log file should be the place to look.
The qmail-smtpd program handles incoming SMTP traffic. If you have a problem with messages not being properly accepted or rejected from other machines, this log file should be the first place to look. Note that if you have multiple SMTP services on the machine (for example, a standard SMTP service on port 25, an SSL-enabled service on port 465, and an AUTH-only service on port 587) each service will have its own log file (again, unless they are being combined by the syslog mechanism.)
If you are using qmail-scanner as a way to have your incoming mail scanned for viruses and/or spam content, the qmail-scanner program also generates a log file of its own, which is totally separate from the qmail-smtpd log. You will find this file in your qmail-scanner directory, with the name qmail-queue.log. This will have a line-by-line description of everything the qmail-scanner program does.
If you are using simscan as a way to have your incoming mail scanned for viruses and/or spam content, you will normally find simscan’s logs in the qmail-smtpd service log.
If you are using clamav, the "clamd" program keeps its own log file. The /etc/clamd.conf file should have a "LogFile" line which tells you where the log is being written.
If you are using spamassassin, its "spamd" program also generates logs. By default it sends the logs to the syslog with the "mail" facility code, but by adding a "-s" option to spamd’s command line it is possible to send the log output to a file, or to the "standard error" channel (which makes it easy to run spamd under daemontools.) You should examine the command line for spamd in order to figure out where its log file will be found.
Any POP3 or IMAP servers will also be generating their own log entries. If you or your users are having a problem with POP3 or IMAP, those would be the place to look.

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